Black magic is often defined as the use of supernatural powers or magic for evil and selfish purposes. It is often associated with negative practices such as witchcraft, dark rituals, and the manipulation of energies and spirits for personal gain.

In relation to religion, black magic is often seen as opposed to the principles and teachings of organized religion, as it is often associated with selfishness, manipulation, and a disregard for the well-being of others. Many religious traditions view black magic as a corruption of spiritual power, and some may even see it as a form of blasphemy.

It is important to note that the concept of black magic is a cultural construct and may vary depending on the historical, cultural, and religious context in which it is viewed. In some cultures, black magic may be associated with traditional spiritual practices that are seen as being in opposition to the dominant religious culture. In other cultures, it may be seen as a product of superstition or as a result of cultural influences from other regions.

It is also worth mentioning that many people do not believe in the existence of black magic and view it as a fabrication or a product of superstition.


Magic in Islam

In Islam, Sihr (sometimes spelled Sahir) is the Arabic word for magic or sorcery. The concept of Sihr is discussed in the Quran and is considered a form of disbelief and a major sin. According to Islamic teachings, Sihr involves the use of supernatural power or influence to control or manipulate others, and is believed to be accomplished through the help of evil spirits or jinn.

In the Quran, Sihr is frequently mentioned in the context of sorcery and the use of magic for evil purposes. The Quran warns against practicing Sihr and emphasizes that it is a form of disbelief and shirk (the association of partners with Allah). The Quran also mentions that Sihr can cause harm and can lead to death, and that it can be used to create illusions and false appearances.

In Islamic tradition, the practice of Sihr is associated with forbidden knowledge and is considered a manifestation of evil. Practitioners of Sihr are often considered to be in league with the devil, and it is believed that they can cause harm to others through their magic.

Overall, Sihr is considered a serious sin in Islam and is rejected by Muslims. The belief in the power of Sihr is associated with pre-Islamic superstitions and beliefs, and is not considered a part of the Islamic faith.


Black Magic in Judaism 

Witchcraft, or Keshafim in Hebrew, has a complex history within Judaism. While some Jewish texts, such as the Talmud, describe witchcraft as a form of sorcery that can be used for evil purposes, others, such as the Kabbalah, incorporate magical practices and beliefs as a legitimate aspect of Jewish spirituality.

In traditional Judaism, witchcraft is considered a form of idol worship and is therefore strictly forbidden. The practice of witchcraft is seen as a rejection of the idea that God alone has control over the natural world and human destiny. Some Jewish texts also associate witchcraft with the worship of demons and other evil spirits, which is also forbidden in Judaism.

However, despite this negative view of witchcraft, some Jews have incorporated magical practices into their spiritual beliefs, particularly within the esoteric tradition of Kabbalah. In this tradition, certain rituals and incantations are believed to have the power to bring about specific outcomes or effects. These practices, known as Kabbalistic magic, are based on the belief that the divine power of the Creator can be harnessed and channeled through the use of sacred names and formulas.

Overall, the relationship between Judaism and witchcraft is complex and nuanced, reflecting the diversity of Jewish beliefs and practices over time and across different cultural and geographic contexts.


Magic in Zoroastrianism

In ancient Zoroastrianism, magic was seen as a tool that could be used for either good or evil purposes. The religion, which was founded in ancient Persia, recognized the existence of both good and evil spirits and believed that humans could communicate with these spirits through spells, incantations, and rituals. Some of these spells were designed to protect individuals from harm or to bring good luck, while others were meant to cause harm or to bring misfortune to others.

In the Avesta, the holy book of Zoroastrianism, there are several references to magic and its use. For example, there are spells that are intended to ward off evil spirits, protect crops and livestock, and ensure good health. Additionally, there are spells that are meant to bring misfortune to enemies, cause illness or death, or to bring about other negative consequences.

However, despite the recognition of magic in Zoroastrianism, the religion also warned against the use of evil magic and stressed the importance of maintaining a balance between good and evil. It was believed that those who engaged in evil magic would eventually suffer the consequences of their actions, and that their souls would be condemned to the underworld after death.

In general, magic was seen as a powerful and potentially dangerous tool that needed to be used with caution and in accordance with ethical principles. Those who used magic for evil purposes were often regarded with suspicion and fear, and the practice of black magic was generally discouraged by the religious authorities.

In Avesta, the primary holy text of Zoroastrianism, magic is referenced in a few different ways. There are references to “the science of the stars” and to divination practices, as well as to spells and incantations used for protection and healing. Magic is generally seen as a tool for achieving good ends, and is often associated with the work of the good spirits or the divine. However, there is also caution against the use of magic for malicious purposes, as this is seen as a perversion of the natural order and can lead to harm.


Magic in Babylonians

The ancient Babylonians believed in magic and used it as a means to control their environment, protect themselves from evil spirits, and communicate with the gods. They believed that magic was a way of influencing the gods and spirits, and that by performing certain rituals, incantations, and offerings, they could secure their favor and gain protection and prosperity.

Babylonian magic was performed by priests and was often used to cure illnesses, ensure fertility, and protect against evil. They believed that by reciting certain spells and performing certain rituals, they could gain control over the spirits that governed their lives. Magic was also used to ward off evil spirits and protect individuals and homes from harm.

In addition to spells and rituals, the Babylonians also made use of amulets, talismans, and other protective objects to ward off evil and bring good fortune. They believed that these objects held magical power, and they would carry them or wear them as a way of gaining protection and attracting good luck.

Despite the influence of magic in Babylonian society, it was often viewed with suspicion and was subject to restrictions and regulations. Some forms of magic were considered taboo and were forbidden, while others were considered acceptable and were widely practiced. Overall, magic played an important role in Babylonian religion and culture, and it continues to be an important part of Mesopotamian folklore to this day.


