Zoroastrianism is an ancient religion that originated in ancient Persia. Here are a few interesting facts about the Zoroastrians:

  1. Zoroastrianism was the dominant religion in Persia before the arrival of Islam in the 7th century.
  2. The religion was founded by the prophet Zoroaster in the 6th century BCE. He taught that there was only one God, Ahura Mazda, and that this God was the creator of the universe.
  3. Zoroastrianism teaches the concept of good thoughts, good words and good deeds as the basis of moral behavior.
  4. Zoroastrians believe in an individual’s personal responsibility for their actions and the consequences that follow.
  5. Zoroastrianism has a strong emphasis on environmentalism, and the protection of nature is considered a religious duty.
  6. Zoroastrians practice “end-of-life” rituals such as exposure of the dead in Towers of Silence, to be exposed to the elements and scavengers to aid in purification.
  7. Zoroastrians played a significant role in the development of the Persian Empire, and many of its kings were followers of the religion.
  8. Today, there are an estimated 200,000 Zoroastrians worldwide, mostly living in India, Iran and Pakistan.
  9. Zoroastrianism has had an influence on other religions, including Judaism, Christianity, and Islam. Some scholars believe that certain concepts in these religions, such as the idea of heaven and hell, were borrowed from Zoroastrianism.


Zoroastrians vs Jews

Zoroastrianism and Judaism are two distinct religions that have their own set of beliefs, practices, and history. However, there are some similarities and differences between the two:


  • Both religions have a monotheistic belief in one God, and both have a strong emphasis on morality and ethical conduct.
  • Both religions have a strong emphasis on the concept of “good thoughts, good words, and good deeds” as the basis of moral behavior.
  • Both religions have a strong emphasis on the protection of the environment.
  • Both have a strong influence on the development of other religions, such as Christianity and Islam.


  • Zoroastrianism originated in ancient Persia and has its roots in Indo-Iranian tradition, while Judaism originated in ancient Israel and has its roots in the Abrahamic tradition.
  • Zoroastrianism has strong dualistic elements, where good and evil are seen as equal forces in the world, while Judaism does not have this concept.
  • Zoroastrianism has a strong emphasis on the end-of-life rituals, where the dead are exposed to the elements and scavengers, to aid in purification. On the other hand, Judaism has a set of rules for burial, mourning and the respect for the dead.
  • Zoroastrianism is a relatively small religion, with an estimated 200,000 followers worldwide, while Judaism is a much larger religion, with an estimated 15 million followers worldwide.

It is worth noting that both religions have had a long history of interaction and influence on each other, particularly during the time of the Achaemenid Empire where many Jews lived under Persian rule and absorbed some of the Zoroastrian beliefs and practices.

Abrahamic Religions Origin

The term “Abrahamic religions” refers to the monotheistic religions that trace their origins to the prophet Abraham. These religions include:

  1. Judaism: Judaism is the oldest of the Abrahamic religions, with its origins dating back to the 2nd millennium BCE in the Middle East. It is based on the belief in one God and the adherence to the laws and principles outlined in the Torah, the holy book of the Jewish people.
  2. Christianity: Christianity began in the 1st century CE in the Middle East, with the teachings of Jesus of Nazareth. Christians believe in the divinity of Jesus and that He is the son of God and savior of humanity.
  3. Islam: Islam emerged in the 7th century CE in the Arabian Peninsula, with the teachings of the prophet Muhammad. Muslims believe in one God and that Muhammad is the final prophet sent by God to guide humanity.

It’s worth noting that these religions have evolved over time, and different branches and sects of these religions have emerged, with different beliefs and practices.

When did abraham lived? 

The exact date of Abraham’s existence is not known. Abraham is considered a patriarch in the Abrahamic religions of Judaism, Christianity and Islam. According to the Bible and the Quran, Abraham lived around 2000 BCE. The Bible and the Quran both provide an account of Abraham’s life, but the historical accuracy of these accounts is debated by scholars. Some scholars believe that the stories about Abraham in the Bible and the Quran are based on a historical figure, while others believe that they are largely fictional and symbolic.

The Bible, which is considered the primary source for information about Abraham, places him in the Middle East during the Middle Bronze Age (around 2000 BCE). However, the exact dates of Abraham’s life are not specified in the Bible and the historical accuracy of the events described in the Bible is debated by scholars.

Archaeological evidence from the Middle East from the Middle Bronze Age also suggests that some of the places and people mentioned in the Bible, including the city of Ur, where Abraham is said to have come from, did exist around 2000 BCE.

In summary, while the exact date of Abraham’s existence is uncertain, the Bible and the Quran place him in the Middle East around 2000 BCE, and some scholars believe that the stories about Abraham in these texts are based on a historical figure.


Zoroaster Life Period

The exact date of Zoroaster’s life is not known with certainty. The traditional date for Zoroaster’s life is around 1200 BCE, based on the Avesta, the holy texts of Zoroastrianism. However, the dating of Zoroaster’s life is a topic of ongoing scholarly debate, and estimates for the date of his life range from as early as the 18th century BCE to as late as the 6th century BCE.

The Avesta itself does not provide a specific date for Zoroaster’s life, but it does provide some hints about the historical context in which he lived. The Avesta describes a society of warrior-rulers and nomadic pastoralists, which is consistent with the historical context of the early 2nd millennium BCE.

Some modern scholars have proposed a later date for Zoroaster’s life, around 600 BCE, based on linguistic and textual analysis of the Avesta. They argue that the language and style of the Avesta suggest a later date of composition than the traditional date of 1200 BCE.

In summary, while the exact date of Zoroaster’s life is uncertain, the traditional date is around 1200 BCE, but it is also estimated to be between 18th century BCE to 6th century BCE. The ongoing scholarly debate about the dating of Zoroaster’s life suggests that it is difficult to determine the exact date with certainty.


What is Mitraism 

Mithraism, also known as the Mithraic mysteries, was a religion that emerged in the Roman Empire in the 1st century CE. It was centered around the worship of the god Mithras, who was believed to be a savior and mediator between humanity and the divine. The religion was primarily practiced by Roman soldiers and merchants, and it spread throughout the Roman Empire during the 2nd and 3rd centuries CE.

Mithraism had many similarities with other mystery religions of the time, such as the Eleusinian mysteries of Greece and the mystery religion of Isis in Egypt. It involved initiation rites, such as baptism and a communal meal, that were believed to bring the initiate closer to the divine.

The religion also had a complex cosmology, with a belief in a struggle between good and evil, and a belief in the eternal afterlife. Mithras was seen as a god of light, who defeated the forces of darkness and restored the world to its original state of harmony.

Mithraism also had a strong emphasis on astrology and the movement of the stars and planets. Many of the rituals and ceremonies of the religion were timed to coincide with the movements of celestial bodies.

Despite its popularity in the Roman Empire, Mithraism eventually declined in the 4th century CE with the rise of Christianity. Some scholars believe that Christianity borrowed some elements from Mithraism, such as the idea of a savior and the celebration of a holy meal.

It is worth noting that despite the similarities of the name, the Zoroastrian god of contract and friendship, Mithra, is not the same as the Roman god of Mithras.


